Proven Calm Baby Sleep Approach

Reading these parent reviews that I have received is an incredibly fulfilling and rewarding experience for me. They inspire me to continue offering exceptional care and support to new parents and their babies.

“Helen’s experience with low birthweight babies, twins and reflux made her invaluable.

 She is a veritable fount of maternity knowledge and has given me advice and suggestions on those areas and many others e.g. sleep, routines, how to wean, child development, and even toys. The first six months of my daughters’ lives were more stressful than I would have liked or anticipated. The presence of Helen made it immeasurably easier, and I only wish I had had her from the beginning.”

Parent of twins 

“We were highly recommended Helen,

“My baby arrived early and was under 5lb in weight. 

Helen showed great care and experience with my tiny baby she fitted into our family life very well and alongside her extensive knowledge and experience was able to give me the confidence I needed to feel comfortable looking after my tiny baby.

My baby thrived and slept well too. 

We are so lucky to have had Helen she brought such calmness and provided so much support I can’t recommend her more. “

Mum to low-birth-weight baby

“My baby arrived early and was under 5lb in weight.

“When we were highly recommended Helen, we thought we had some idea of what service we were going to receive. However, when we had our baby and started with Helen (from the hospital) we were blown away by how invaluable Helen’s knowledge, guidance and advice was to us. She helped us put our low-birth-weight baby into a gentle routine, put on weight (from week 1), and had our baby sleeping right through from 12 weeks. In those 12 weeks, we did not have our baby crying once through the night, she helped us when our baby needed an operation and we had the best routine for our baby that worked perfectly for our family life! We have the most happy, content little boy, that I know, is massively helped by his flexible routine that Helen has put into place for us!”

First-time parents to low-birth-weight baby

“I am a single mum so Helen came the night I came out of the hospital my daughter was only 3 days old.

“I am a single mum so Helen came the night I came out of the hospital my daughter was only 3 days old.

Helen has an incredible amount of knowledge and experience in all aspects of babies and postnatal mums. 

My daughter started sleeping through the night much earlier than my other children due to Helen’s gentle tips and expert advice.

Helen just knew how to guide me through the challenging days and nights and gave me the confidence I needed to adjust emotionally and physically postnatally.

Helen was very understanding and caring my children love her.”

Single mum to 3 children

“Helen when we came to you we were at the end of our tether!

 Here we are at week 14 we have a different baby! He now sleeps through the night and is a much happier baby. We truly could not have done this without you. I now enjoy being a mother and we’re back on track for our big family hopes! Thank you. “

Calm  and  Happy parents

Discreet, supportive and with a wealth of knowledge and practical tips,

“Discreet, supportive and with a wealth of knowledge and practical tips, Helen is highly professional. We knew instantly we could trust Helen and felt that our daughter was in the best possible hands. Helen is so calm, confident and serene around our baby and is also receptive to my needs. Our baby is now sleeping well day and night which has made a huge difference to us all.”

Mum to an 8 week baby

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